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Practice Areas



Labor Arbitration 

Labor-management arbitrations usually arise under the grievance and arbitration procedures of collective bargaining agreements between employers and unions representing defined units of employees. The arbitration agreement will specify the issues subject to arbitration and the procedures for designating the arbitrator and for conducting the arbitration.

Employee Benefit Arbitration & Mediation

These issues arise under contracts of employment, employee benefit plan documents, or statutes and are equally-well able to be addressed in arbitration and mediation. They can involve determination of individual claims for benefits, appeals of claim denials, employer obligations under plans, plan administration disputes, and settlor issues.

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Wage and Hour Mediations 

Mediation is an essential tool to resolving wage and hour litigations. Mediation offers parties the ability to make hands-on decisions concerning the outcome of their dispute at virtually any stage in the process. Mediation allows the parties, who must live with the outcome, who know the landscape best, and who care most about the outcome, be the decision-makers.


Employment Arbitration & Mediation 

Employment arbitrations usually involve statutory or common law issues and individual claimants, although multiple claimants and class actions can occur. They can involve litigated issues as varied as claims of unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, employment contracts, employee benefits, ERISA claims, withdrawal liability, and any of the myriad disputes that can arise between employers and employees.



Fact-Finding and Investigation
We conduct independent, neutral fact-finding and workplace investigations on behalf of employers and employee organizations.  Our Firm has extensive experience conducting investigations of allegations of racial, sexual and gender-based harassment and violence. The practice includes investigation of claims of workplace harassment based upon religion and national origin, as well as other workplace misconduct.

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